Phew, work day is over, creche frenzied kids have been put to bed, dishes are done and washing is folded. Have had to put another load in machine, so wont be breaking that habit of leaving wet washing over night, but there is always tomorrow. With the calm and quiet that has descended upon the house I sat down to check out some of the photos that have been sitting, waiting patiently, to be downloaded from the camera. I noticed how there are some photos of the girls that I just love. They are not excellent photographic shots and the girls are not doing anything special.
They are just hanging out together.
Happily together.
Which reminds me that they are pretty much always happy together. They can sort things out for themselves, entertain each other, help each and have a relationship that I can only hope lasts a lifetime.
Racing down the hallway.
Tickle time at the play centre trampoline (note: this is taken on a daddy daycare day, which is why the odd socks).
Dancing at the Doctors |
Quietly watching PlaySchool together |
Those are all so sweet.