I wrote recently about how I
spend too much on kids clothes. When a friend asked me this week where I got Immy's lovely dress from I told her "A shop with great clothes, where I spend way too much money". I have even recently entered the shop while uttering, "Hello, it's me again, your friendly stalker".
But I have my limits.
I like to buy bits and pieces that I love to look at and the girls love to wear but I always team them with target basics and have done since I started buying kids clothes. Usually this means plain coloured long sleeve tops, leggings and t-shirts.
As I am now on the payroll at
Target, they asked me to check out the kids autumn clothing range and see if there was anything that my girls liked. The question really was, would the current range suit my kids 'style'.
I had to stop and think about that for a bit. Do my kids have a 'style'? Do I have a 'style' for my kids?
Yes. We both do.
You may disagree and think you and your kids don't do 'styles' but I would still suggest you do. Maybe yours is 'vintage style', maybe you never buy dresses for your daughter because you know she just would never wear them, maybe your son has heaps of Thomas clothes handed down from other people because everyone knows he loves Thomas the Tank so much or perhaps you want your child to be on Toddlers and Tiaras and so they are wearing Botox.
So what 'style' do I have.
Well, I can be a little strict with clothes. I don't like little girls in teenage or grown up clothing. I don't like little girls in high heels. I am not a huge fan of preschoolers in all black. I don't like to buy ripped jeans, (but if they rip and the kids wear them in the back yard that is ok). I do like to buy Australian designer stuff in boutiques, I hate it when the girls grow out of certain brands that stop at baby/toddler sizes.
This week I took Popps and Immy to Target and told them they could pick any outfit they wanted.
Target had given me $50 to get the outfits so they had a limit of $25 each. Together they decided they wanted something that was "same-same". This is a game they play at home together where they try and get dressed as twins and be "same-same"
Problem was Immy wanted a dress and Popps wanted pants. Immy wanted pink and Popps wanted purple. A style clash was underway but then they both decided that jeggings would be excellent.
Not my usual choice, but I was staying silent for once.
They headed to the change rooms loaded with items to try on and had quite a good time in there.
ha ha ha ha - boobie bras... |
In the end, they couldn't decide on anything same-same so they got as close as they could. Jeggings and stripey long sleeve tops.
As usual, the prices were good, we got the lot, the
top Popps picked was only $5.60 plus I managed to slip in the new Donna Hay magazine for myself all for $51.00.
Popps put her outfit on at home and asked me to watch her concert on the swings (for the 93rd time this week). Jeggings, she declared are excellent for being a gymnast - and just like that, a new kids style is born - Backyard Gym Wear.
Win your own Target Shopping Trip
If you want to check out the
Target range and not have to spend a cent, leave me a comment describing your fashion style. The comment that interests me the most wins a $40 target voucher.
The rules are:
The prize is ONE $40 gift voucher from Target
One entry per person - UNLESS - you follow me on bloglovin, (just click here and hit the follow button
http://www.bloglovin.com/claireyhewitt) then if you feel like it you can pop back and write another comment and enter twice. (I get an email telling me who follows me, so I will know if you are tricking me!)
Australian residents only.
Competition opens Thursday 28 March and closes Tuesday 2 April at 8 pm.