
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 7: Blog every day in May: The thing(s) you're most afraid of:

Look at me go – Day 7 of the 31 Day challenge and I am still keeping up.

There are hundreds of bloggers around the world taking part in the challenge this May and I am betting that any of them that are parents would say the thing they are most afraid of is anything happening to their children. We all want our children to live a harm free, peaceful and healthy existence. We also want to be there to share it with them.

There is nothing I am more afraid of then something happening to the owners of these feet.

But let’s say that you have to discuss the thing you are most afraid of but it CAN NOT relate to your children.


I would hate to have a TV show turn up at my house to surprise me with a prize or something. I would most likely be in my pajamas, there would likely be dishes in the sink and floors that needed cleaning and I wouldn’t have enough milk in the fridge to offer the camera crew a coffee – and the last bottle of wine would probably be sitting empty in the recycle bin*. It would not be a surprise I was happy to receive (unless it was a million dollars - any camera crew is welcome if they have a $1mill).

I also have a problem with throwing myself off a perfectly safe and stable surface. I see no reason for a sane person to jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane, no reason to tie elastic to my ankles and dive head first into a river and no real reason to climb a rock wall that was not meant for walking on only so I can abseil down 1 km of rock face. Afraid - totally.

Would you invite Dr Harry to do a surprise house call at your place, or would you prefer to jump out of a plane? What else are you really afraid of.

*I am not a huge drinker, so we don’t keep much wine in the house, we have no cellar.


  1. I share similar fears and would probably name the same 2 things actually! But I would WAY rather Dr Harry pop around than jump off something! NO WAY IN FREAKING HELL would I jump off something.

    1. Yes, at least Dr Harry might bring a make up artist with him! That ain't going to happen when you get dipped into a river upside down.

  2. Oh little ballerina's - my favourite!
    I'm not one for surprises either, unless it was a large sum of money as you say. And no I could never jump out of anything, off anything or even ascend into the air in a balloon! Although I wouldn't mind being taken for a ride in a fighter jet! That would be pretty awesome.

  3. The TV crew can only come if they pre-warn me :) (And have a million dollars as well!) Likewise my main fears relate to my girls staying safe and having healthy happy parents. Other things pale in comparison.

  4. Jumping off things and unexpected guests definitely make the unpleasant list, but probably not terrifying. I'm terrified something might happen to me and my children will be left to fend for themselves alone, or worse still, end up with their father.

    1. Same here Dorothy - so much, I didn't even want to write about it! The thought is beyond awful (not their father bit for me but YKWIM)

  5. There's no way I'd jump out of a plane, or off a cliff, or off a platform with an elastic band strapped to my feet! No way!
    My fears mostly relate to heights and confined spaces. Last Saturday I got stuck in one of those public toilets with automatic doors. I just about had a meltdown trying to get out. Half a minute felt like hours...

    1. In those stinky places I can imagine - I hate public toilets anywhere and often have to relax about them so I can take the kids in. I do know where lots of fancy toilets are in the city so I can avoid ever using the skanky ones on the street.

  6. I'd rather jump out of a plane, or abseil, or bungee jump. I've done it all I'm afraid! As for someone popping in, sounds utterly delightful. Even in my PJs. I like to go with the flow.

    And if I was to think of something that scared me, it might be... um. What would it be??

    Great post! x

    1. SOmething NOT related to your kids remember Kym...makes it that bit harder.

  7. I am a little afraid of the #13 and most definitely afraid of hot air balloons and jumping for an aeronautical contraptions. It takes a lot just to feel calm enough to fly in one.

  8. Definitely heights. i think of doing the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb and it makes me feel physically ill.

  9. I would love to jump out of a plane! I also would love a camera crew to show up - but only if they had a million dollars. Like all mothers, I am fearful of the safety of my children - especially when they are not with me. Outside of that - I am trying to be kind to the Universe and not be fearful of things. Will try and keep track of your Blog Every Day in May journey xx
    Josefa from #teamIBOT

  10. Oh my goodness. I found your blog via SOML. I did write about losing my children as my biggest fear, obviously that's always on the forefront of a parents mind!

    But seriously. I wear the same ratty yoga pants day in and day out and even though my twins are only 7 months old and not technically mobile yet, my house explodes each and every day. I blame them.

    It would be SO embarrassing to have a tv crew show up! Maybe I should go clean?

  11. A big yes to a TV crew dropping in! I seriously wanted Dr. Harry's help with my cat, but just couldn't chance that they'd catch me in my jams.
    I kept those exact ballet slippers when my daughter grew out of her first pair, so tiny! :)

  12. Yeah I'm with you. Chances are my house would be entirely trashed!
    I'm kind of scared of snakes and spiders. Do not ask me to hold those things. That's not cool!

  13. Dr Harry - no. But maybe Dr Chris Brown. Actually, no, not if I was looking like I was today!
    And there is no way you'll get me to jump out of a plane either. My heart races just thinking about it...


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