
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The latest hit on our book shelf

With three years between them night time story time means we have to read the little Huey's different books, this makes for a lot of reading and on nights when we are doing it single handed it is tricky to get the right balance of books.

Popps has moved past Annie's Chair and Immy is not up to Uno's Garden.

By chance we found a gem at the library last visit (and we are now paying late fees on it we have had it so long).

Ladybug Girl is a delightful book about a little girl who makes herself into Ladybug Girl whenever she needs to, just to play, to have fun, to make friends or to help herself be brave. In the one above she gets over her fear of the ocean. She is fun and silly and knows how to have a good time. Immy particularly likes the dog Bingo and thinks he is the same as our dog Peppa, while Popps likes the way Ladybug Girl speaks to her family members, such as reminding Mum that she said today is a good day for ice cream, and some days call for a double scoop.

It is a library find that will be coming to stay.

Are there any others you know of that meet the two and five year old test all at once?

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  1. Ohhhhhh books, we love books in our house! What a great topic to talk about. I'm looking forward to reading the suggestions from other people.

    We have two boys (3 & 5yrs) so no doubt a very different selection from yours but you never know.
    I find anything by the following authors work for varying age ranges:
    Graeme Base
    Mem Fox
    Pamela Allen
    (Aust Post have some great book packs by these authors quite often).

    We've also discovered a book series 'Walter the Farting Dog' which of course the boys love!

    There's also another series by Mayo/Ayliffe (Emergency & Dig Dig Digging) which is quite fun, probably for kids younger than 5 though.

    We also love books like 'My 1st Animal Encyclopaedia' or factual marine related books about weird underwater creatures (skipping the scary looking ones if close to bedtime!!)

    Miss Meg x

  2. A friend from USA sent us Walter the Farting Dog book last Christmas, my girls loved it.

    Annie and Heidi loved the Edwina and Edward the Emu books , I had them memorized we read them so often to the girls. 2yo like the rhyme and 4yo Annie loved the story.

  3. Glad you love Walter the farting dog, gave that to my nephew at Christmas.


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