When I was little I can remember the thrill of getting my first Essendon Bombers football scarf.
I remember it because my Aunty Lynette had already given me a pair of Collingwood leg warmers. It was the late 70s and I loved those leg warmers. They were given as a gift and gifts were not as regular as they are these days so I knew they were very special.
When I received my bombers scarf, I was told I was receiving a very special gift for doing such a good job starting school and being so well behaved. The scarf was considered something only the really lucky kids got. From this I equated the bombers with being the best and though I loved the legwarmers, the decision was made.
I would support the bombers. FOREVER.
Just like my Dad and my brother.
It is natural for children to follow in their parents steps for supporting football teams and I expected we would be just the same.
At her first football day I dressed Popps in a black and red dress and had my Mum knit her a bombers beanie in time for the day. She wore it proudly and was a keen bombers fan.
Then something changed.
Probably the Bombers kept losing and the Cats kept winning and with Mr H cheering so loudly it was hard not to hear. And her older cousin passed down a footy jumper he had grown out of and then pussy cats are much nicer to think about than bombing jets I guess.
Then there is the fact that the Essendon merchandise person manages to choose THE ugliest stuff ever made.
For Example:
By age 5 no amount of discussion could get Popps to barrack for the bombers and I turned to two year old Immy. It was only fair that if Popps was supporting Mr H with the Cats, Immy and I would be together as bomber fans.
Only Immy is so enthralled with everything her big cousin Emma does that she has also decided to barrack for the Western Bulldogs, just like her.
I can't believe it.
Next Friday is Footy Day at Kinder and Immy is refusing to wear anything we already have, no bombers or cats stuff for her, she is a dogs supporter and there is no changing it.
I may not be an avid fan or interested in watching footy too often, but I did think at least one of the girls would be wearing the red and black each year at footy dress up day.
Perhaps I should try one last time to convert them, with a snazzy pair of leg warmers.
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4 months ago
My hubby is horrified that he has two sons and neither will support his team. I tell him to be grateful that at least his daughter is on his side.
ReplyDeleteTom decided when he started kinder and made friends that he'd support their team and zander 'just wants to be like his bruffer'.
Oh my. Last Monday was Footy day and I was having the exact same recollections! Our family is as divided as they come. Hubby is Carlton, I am Crows (Adelaide girl here!), the girls are both Sydney Swans, while Madison has chosen those Hawks. Goodness knows why. I think I have a chance to swing Noah, but I don't like my chances. He ADORES his big brother. So, poo and wee it is. (Why couldn't they choose nicer colours???)
ReplyDeleteAll the best with the black and red. So practical, I say ;) x
Definitely try the leg warmers Clairey :)
ReplyDeleteWe are NRL fans in this house and my little miss follows the Bunnies with me, my Dad and my brother - so easy because Bunnies are cute, right. My hubby was a little put off, he follows the Eels, so when I was pregnant with our little man he claimed him as an Eels supporter!