I took on a few too many commitments regarding this littleblog. I said yes to too many things and promised things I haven’tdelivered.
But all is ok, because this is a blog. Nothing bad hashappened to anyone because of my slackness.
Instead I am going to do a bumper post and reward you with afew things that I will giveaway too.
Let's get started....
Are you an online shopper, an ebayer, an ebay buyer.
I am a little of each.
I have been chatting with ebay recently and they told methat this Sunday 9 December is the day forecast to be the busiest onlineshopping day ever!
I was desperate to win these books the other night and wasso smug thinking I had them, when BAM out came one of those ebay snipers and Ilost! Thus, I am cruising ebay lookingfor more 1970’s versions of Enid Blyton books, where Joe was Jo and Franny wasFanny and Dame Snap a Lot was Dame Slap A Lot. Popps is highly critical of thedrawings in the newer versions of the books and not impressed at all. Op shopshave failed me so far so ebay is my place to go.
If you have these, let me know! |
We had a car seat and high chair that needed to leave the house this week too,I went straight to ebay to list them and gained some extra Christmas cash tospend, but I should have waited and listed them to end this weekend insteadwhen everyone is off buying stuff (approx. 2.3 million Aussies are expected tocheck ebay on Sunday!)
We have also bought Father in Law Huey a gift from ebay –but it is a newbie one, not ‘vintage’, which is actually what 83% of ebay nowis – new stuff. I am not sure what I think about that. I quite like buying theused stuff – is it just me? Quite possibly.
If you want to buy and sell stuff on ebay, now is the time.
Moving Along….
My Christmas Wish Number One: That I don’t have to sharemy gadgets.
Solution: InnoTab 2 by V-Tech
This wish shall be granted when Immy unwraps theInnoTab 2 by V-Tech for her birthday next week*.
The InnoTab is designed to be a child’s tabletdevice, it comes with featuressuch as a 5” inch LCD touch screen, twist camera, video capability, tilt sensorand microphone, as well as being something that should last better when droppedon the ground. Best of all it only connects to the Internet via acable, so if the cable isn’t connected then Immy is not grooving to Gangnamstyle without me knowing.
I am concerned that I will need to be buyingexcessive amounts of batteries for this and I hope the next version comes witha plug in recharge option instead.
It’s valued at $199.95 (but I have seen them onspecial in the catalogues) and I have one to giveaway.
*Yes, we are tight butts and are gifting our childrenitems that I get sent in the mail.
Christmas Wish Number Two: No major dental bills forthe next gazillion years
Solution: Philips Sonicare for Kids ElectricToothbrush.
They are lazy and never use the holders, they also never put the toothpaste in the holder either! |
Popps and Immy have one of these toothbrushes each.There are some very very good things about them (aside from the fact that they cleanteeth) mainly that it is plugged in and doesn’t need new batteries all the time.
The Sonicare Kids toothbrush plays little music soundsas reminders when to switch the brush around your mouth, so when Immy isbrushing her teeth on the top it dings along to remind her to switch to thebottom ones. There are different sized brushes AND they have a place to live onthe toothbrush stand, rather than just getting lost in a drawer.
There are lots of real benefits to this toothbrush(can be used on braces, designed for children’s mouths etc) but I am hooked onthe 2 week life of the charged battery.**
These brushes are a hefty price at $99.95 but if theysave me even one trip to the dentist for some treatment they are well worth it.Also, I will never buy a novelty toothbrush and throw it out again saving me atrillion bucks.
I have one Philips Sonicare Kids Toothbrush togiveaway (value $99.95)
** It would seem that I have a bit of a thing aboutbatteries.
Christmas Wish Number 3: Easy gifts for people.
Solution: Books.
There are always new books out and they are the best presentfor hard to buy for people, people who buy themselves everything they want andpeople who indicate they don’t want anything.
Wearing that shirt she is lucky to be Queen of anything really. |
Queen of the Road was enjoyable, so much that I have purchaseda copy for someone else (hope they are not reading now) But you can just winyourself a copy here.
(Phew – no batteries required)
I have bought heaps of books this year, so if you are getting a gift from me DO NOT buy your favourite authors (especially if you are my sister!).
1) You should not buy Enid Blyton books on ebay, it is likely that I am bidding and I am sick of being the loser.
2) There is a Vtech InnoTab to win
3) There is a Philips Sonicare Kids toothbrush to win
4) There is a copy of the Queen of the Road to win.
5) All you need to do is leave me a comment telling me which item you would like to win and why.
Fine Print:
Australian Addresses Only.
Email to contact you will be required.
Comments Close on Tuesday 11 December - so this is only open a few days.
Judges decision is final.
Caring is sharing - share with your friends to add some good karma to your surroundings.
Good Luck!
Today's disclaimer:
I was not given payment to mention this products. I did receive gifts and a gift voucher to ebay. I have not used the voucher as I keep getting outbid and the other stuff I had already bought before it arrived. I do get lots of offers to tell you about things, these where the ones that I thought would be most handy to tell you about. Also, I am not an HTML guru and I can't get the formatting perfect in this post. Just pretend it all looks normal. xx
Competition is now closed.
Edited 12 12 12
The winners of these giveaways are
The Innotab from V tech...
Rhi from Flour Child, because I have never had a reader from Belgium enter before.
The toothbrush is for Vicky Finch
The book is for Mary Preston
Emails shall be coming ASAP ladies