
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The one where I admit to shonky parenting standards.

This post is sponsored by the Transport Accident Commission

Every Christmas we seem to need to make a purchase of something with wheels for a small person.

One bike we bought for Immy when she was two she still simply refers to as ‘My Christmas Bike’. It’s the wishbone bike, which I highly recommend if you have a toddler in need of a new set of wheels.

The following year Immy received the micro scooter. It then sat in the shed next to her second hand bike as she refused to go further then the driveway on either. Her preference was always ‘My Christmas bike’ or the Gator option on the back of Mr H. Mr H is a keen rider so they would go for miles and miles together, stopping at every park, grabbing ice cream and talking the whole way.

Now that Immy is a big schoolgirl, well, it’s really cool to ride your scooter with the other kids in the neighbourhood. It’s also really unreal when one of those Mums scoots past on my workdays and offers to take my girls with her.

It’s not so fun when Immy seems to fall off her scooter every second day.

The micro scooter is a bit banged up. The front is busted and her knees barely saw the sun for a month, instead band-aids were the fashion of choice.

Thingle Toodle TAC Post micro scooter

The scooter was being used to practise ballet moves, not always successfully.

The more she scootered and fell off the more I realised we really needed to address the helmet situation at our house. It seems we have bike helmets everywhere, always being left behind in rooms, doorways, sheds and driveways.  

But not always being worn.

Helmet wearing

None of the helmets seemed to fit Immy quite right.

Arabella had a helmet that was too small, so it became Immy’s, but it still didn’t really fit. Then there was another random one that did up, but was pretty floppy. When her birthday arrived mid December it was the perfect time to get new helmets, and when it came with the DIY decorating option, Immy was thrilled.

But the new helmet still looked wonky, Mr H raced back to the shop for the smaller size. It fits ok. But Arabella’s still fits better.

The TAC asked me to take a look at their information regarding small children and road safety, things like crossing roads, seat belts and wearing helmets. At first I just thought, surely everyone just knows these things. Are there kids not in seatbelts still? Apparently there are WAY too many. Crossing roads just takes lots of time and practice. I still don’t let my kids cross the road by themselves but I hope to loosen my road crossing panic by the time they are 21.

But the helmet thing.

I thought I had it covered. Hadn’t really thought much about it.

Thou must admit shonky parenting standards had started to slip in and there really is no excuse for it.

There are just three basic tips from the TAC regarding helmets.

  • the helmet should be the correct size for the child
  • it should cover the upper part of the forehead and
  • sit level on the head

See this image

One of these kids is not wearing a well-fitted helmet.

Immy’s helmet does NOT cover her forehead nor does it sit level and I feel a bad case of the parenting guilts coming on.

Because knees can be patched up and plastered but brains cannot! They just can not.

The benefits of wearing a helmet are not a surprise to me, it’s not new knowledge, but still I haven’t taken action on it sooner.

This little rap was made for toddlers and pre-schoolers, but could possibly work for fellow parents of mine who have been slack in the helmet wearing department!

We have some very important shopping to do this weekend, this time I am taking Immy with me to the bike shop to ensure we get a helmet that fits her properly.

Have you got your kids’ heads covered?


  1. Such an important message - thanks for the reminder hun. Sometimes I have been known to just go "oh whatever" when the kids argue about helmets. But those words are words I could literally live to regret xx

  2. Our family has a lot of wheeled vehicles, from motorbikes to roller skates (the retro quads, mum's into Roller Derby) and everything in between. Helmets are a huge expense in our house and their use is mandatory. Because kids grow so fast, they need replacing every other year. I also replace them if the helmet suffers a major blow. No helmet, no bike/scooter/flying-fox. There are no arguments and it's now completely automatic that the kids reach for their brain box as they step out the door.


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