
Friday, November 10, 2017

What the cool kids wear to the best parks

If you played your cards right in Melbourne this week then you'll be one of the lucky people to be having an extra long weekend.

Thank you Melbourne Cup. 

And long weekends are perfect for checking out the new parks around town, so that is exactly what we did.

First stop was the new Aeroplane Park in Braybrook. This is an old park that was closed a couple of years ago when it was ruined by a fire. The latest version has just reopened and it's an excellent mix of things for kids of all ages. With things to climb on, paths to scoot on, whizzy things, swingy things and space to lounge about on the grass.

The gardens are still being planted so this park is just going to get better and better over the next few months.

The next day we headed to a new housing estate on the edge of town.

These areas seem to have clued on to the concept that people will pay more to live near great play areas. Which means that they seem to be competing to have the best playgrounds and facilities and the parks are the first things built.


We headed out to take a look at the Woodlea playground.

I found a wonderful big log and played "Lay Like a Lizard in the Sun". In this game, you must lay very still, just like a lizard that hopes no one will you see you. I am very very good at this game.

Miss 11, spent a lot of time climbing. On ropes, logs, stairs to the top of the cubby thingo.

She was also pretty happy to be decked out in the new Harry Potter t-shirt that was gifted to us last week. It's a never-ending struggle to find clothes for girls that are not 8 years old. The options go from toddler clothes to nightclub with very little in between, making the Harry Potter fashion line one of the best choices for us.

Mr H is not one to miss out on any chance of having a bit of fun, so he was first up the stairs to climb through the rope tunnel - yep, it holds grown-ups.

When it comes to Harry Potter fashions there is no chance Miss 8 is missing out. When our parcel arrived she grabbed this t-shirt with both hands, put it on and has barely taken it off since. She needs her clothes to be the right fabric, the right fit, the right feel. If there's anything with an itchy seam, a wonky tag, sequins sown's not going to get out of the drawer.

This slogan was also pretty spot on. She'll be waiting for that letter and off to Hogwarts in the new year.

Have to say I really like this new spinny whizzy thing at this park. You just can't fall off it. If you do get in to such a state that you are rolling off, it will be a gentle roll on the rubbery soft floor. It's also something kids of all abilities can get on to.

Woodlea Park has a space for waterplay too - if you take small kids, you better take spare clothes as they are not going to be able to resist playing in the sand and water and fountains.

As all good weekends should, we finished up with a night out at a new restaurant and ate as much as we could squish in - which was quite a lot because hanging at the park all afternoon made for many hungry tummies - even that of the lizard.

Harry Potter t-shirts were gifted to us, but they are available at Big W, along with a range of other items for the tween ager in or HP fan in your life.

1 comment:

  1. if only they had parks like this when we were kids, eh?
    And the tshirts in my size would be an added bonus...
    P.S. Have you seen the Peter Alexander HP PJ's? I got them for my girls for their birthdays AND some for Christmas!


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