I don't believe in ghosts.
Except for those ones that haunt old lunatic asylums and prisons and places of great historical significance.
I don't believe in spirits of those that have died. Other than the ones that I sometimes talk to.
I don't believe there is a God for you to pray to who is going to have magical powers and change what is going to happen anyway, but I am not going to miss the chance to try and barter my way for a better result if I can - just in case.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a Facebook competition. That is not a big deal, you see them all the time. But as a social media manager who hangs on Facebook more than you ever should, I also know that it is against FB policy to ask people to TAG OR SHARE your post and when I see that day after day I have to eat cheezels to make myself chill out about it. So I have been eating hundreds of cheezels and this is not really a good thing, anyway, I am not writing about cheezels. But I do have some if you want one.
Anyway, back to the competition I saw. It was offering 200 bucks to spend on some Yarra Trail clothes and it did NOT breach the Facebook rules. So I did what I do whenever I see these competitions, I entered to win.
I entered to win because my Mum loves herself a few Yarra Trail clothes and she is not shy of an iron, which is important because most of the stuff is made from beautiful linen. Beautiful linen that requires a commitment to being ironed.
This is also not a huge thing, I often enter competitions like this, I love them. They are free to enter, make me think about what to write, introduce me to a new product and then I scroll on and carry on with my day. Haven't seen a prize for a couple of years and the last one I won was a high chair, but I don't have a baby.
Did you know it's been five years today since my Dad died? I am not sure if he is a ghost or a spirit or if he is looking down on us shouting to stop moping around and bloody do something. Perhaps he's hanging out in heaven waiting for us, or maybe he's just dead, the end.
But last night, I got an email. I won the Styling You competition and Mum now has 200 smackers to spend on herself. I think it's my Dad still looking out for my Mum. And the rest of us. Telling us that he's still around. He's trying to tell me he's like my good luck ghost and when the good things are happening, that's when he's here, I just need to look about more. But then, I don't believe in ghosts. Do I?