In the midst of organising her outfit to attend my 80s themed dinner party next week, running her own business and being a mean green bike riding machine she has written a blog post for me.
I have just spent the evening cleaning out and rearranging my wardrobe. The impetus for this was that there is a school fete coming up (and I am now a school-mum) and there was a bit of a buying spree accident a week or two ago.
I can wear black tops now, having passed the milk/snot/what –the-hell-is-that-on-my-shoulder stage of motherhood.
I decided to dedicate a whole, albeit quite small, drawer to my black tops so that I am not rummaging around through general tops to get to the one I need. You know the ones, the basics that you wear all the time. I discovered I have 8 black tops, not counting camisoles. There is the long sleeved fine merino that I bought in an outdoor gear store when I was 3 months pregnant because my husband was buying a new backpack and I wanted something too. I bought it thinking I wouldn’t get to wear it much. It’s nearly threadbare now (as I said, I’m a school-mum now). Then there’s another long sleeved merino one that’s not as good but has a scoop neck. There’s a synthetic one that has puffy sleeves that I bought from a new local shop because I always like to support the new local shops. There’s one from Mesop that is so barely-there you can wear it under anything. And a polo neck one from Skin and Threads that I wore every day last Winter because it was so cold. Then there are two short sleeved ones and one with no sleeves. As I said, I didn’t include camisoles.
I don’t think this is an excessive number of black tops.
After all, I live in Melbourne.
This image comes from here.